This year I’ve decided not to lose weight, be a better person, groom my dog more, exercise or steam clean my tile floors weekly. No, those are resolutions of old. For 2016, I will become the person I was born to be. I know it’s self-serving, but it’s 2016 and it’s my year. The year of the new Anne has begun.
It’s only Jan 2 and already, I have worn a short night dress all day yesterday. I actually thought it made me look young and thin with Caribbean breeze feel. Then I made the mistake of passing by a full length mirror. I will be removing those mirrors for the year of Anne.
I cancelled three of the wrinkle creams I’d ordered at two in the morning on restless nights. I even cancelled the deluxe package and next day air delivery. It started to look like Christmas with all of the packages on my front porch. Now I have to cancel the auto shipments or my husband will leave this beautiful firm face behind. Don’t tell him, but I think I may have ordered more than three.
I will fill my home with things that I love. I am not buying any lamps because they were a great deal. Now that I’m returning all of my wrinkle creams, this will be in my best interest. I look better in the dark anyway.
I’ve chosen colors that I’m drawn to. I’m posting a vision board for my future. I will fill my life with deep blues, bright oranges, pale yellows and beautiful reds. 2016 will be the year of a colorful Anne. I thought about multi-color highlights for my hair, but that might be too much in the first year of Anne. I don’t want the kids to think mom has lost it and put me away.
This will be the year I ponder yoga. I will not be doing it, just pondering it. Anything that makes me sweat will be forbidden in 2016.
Naturally, I’ll continue join another gym only to add 2016 key chain to my collection of gym memberships. I have a collection since 1985. I like the looks of it. I might go there to visit once per season, providing I don’t sweat. Again, I might go and just to visit, not work out.
Now that I’m wiser and just a smidge older, I will let go of things that bother me. As my friend, Kae, says, “I only do things that please me.” She is mentoring me in having a fabulous life this year. When we’re together if chocolate pleaser her, we have chocolate. If more wine pleases her, we have more wine. If singing pleases her, we sing. I plan on hanging around Kae more in 2016. That pleases Anne.
I will slow my mind down. This will be my biggest challenge. I seem to have perfected it in my body, but the mind is still racing. It’s like a mini-tornado in my head. I have to intentionally pluck things from it to concentrate. I’m sure the Universe will have the perfect remedy. Did I mention I’m getting universal in my thoughts? I am asking the Universe to please do something, anything, in my highest good in 2016.
My spiritual contact will be a major focus, once I slow down that tornado. I usually chat with God on the way to work. We listen to a country station while Garth sings. I’ve Got Friends In Low Places, God and I have a little chuckle-fest. I have friends in high places. My plan is to spend more time listening to God’s voice once that tornado leaves and I can hear Him. I guess two cups of morning coffee will need to be decaf. That second cup brings out my inner chatterbox. God help God once I get started!
I saved the best for last….my family. I will kiss my husband more. I will hug him until he screams to be set loose. It’s amazing how strong my arms are considering my obsession with avoiding the gym.
I will spend more time with my kids and grandkids. I will be fully present and soak in every minute on our visits. For these visits, I will sweat as we race around. This is the only exception I make in the sweat department. I will be vigilant in journaling our conversations and the sweet, and sometimes no so sweet (but funny), things they say.
This concludes my 2016 resolutions as of today. Since it’s my year, I can be flexible (not in my body) and make changes as need be. After all, it is the Year of the New Anne.
Happy New Year, everyone!
It’s official. In 2016, I’m changing my name to Anne.
Remember to add the E on Anne or it won’t be the same!!
Ann is a total mess!
I LOVE this! Can’t wait to meet you in Dayton, Anne. Here’s to kicking ass (without working up a sweat) in 2016.
Oh I’m so excited to see you, too.
I’m rooming with 2 crazy women. Hoping I can keep up!