I went to my doctor this week to get my hormone levels tested. Don’t you know, my progesterone is very low. I am convinced that this is the hormone responsible for working out, keeping the house tidy, and creating delicious gourmet meals. I think it may even have some control over sexual desire attached to…
Sweat or Big Hairy Black Spider?
I am not the type of person who ever took drugs to hallucinate, until last week. I didn’t try to see strange things, but there they were, nonetheless. I’d complained to my doctor that I was perspiring so heavily on my face, neck, and chest that it was embarrassing. I actually have videos on my…
Sexy at 60 Selfie Snafu
I was visiting my oldest daughter, Erika, and my grandkids when my selfie fiasco took place. I’d had two glasses of wine before bedtime to relax from all the excitement of the day. I blame the wine for what happened next. I was thinking about an ad I had seen where a husband is going…
Man Oh Man….This Menopause!
In my thirties, I never thought about aging. I took for granted that I’d be youthful, toned and moist my entire life. Before I officially entered menopause, I thought the most I had to look forward to was, you know, vaginal dryness. That’s enough to cheer up any gal! Little did I know the other…
Goals, Effort And The Banana Peel Diet
I realized today that if I just took action instead of pondering things I’d like to do, my life would be richer. I’m sixty-three, but I look much younger (in my mind, anyway). I still feel like I’m thirty- six. In fact, I often confuse my age and my bra size from those years. I…