I just found out that for the bulk of my life, I have been exercising the wrong muscles. I want to lay on the floor, kick, scream and throw a tantrum. Years of leg lifts, squats, and miles walked on the treadmill, all for naught. I just flipped through the new catalog of Self Care…
Password Madness
My husband is the organized one in our family. He even folds his underwear. And they’re all in one drawer. He even keeps a little brown notebook with all of his passwords and account numbers logged. I am not permitted to write in that book because it must be neat printing and the ink must…
Those Pesky Pounds
Thank God I am tall! For years I wanted to be 5’2’ but if you gain a pound at that height, it shows. God made me 5’7” for a reason. I have taken advantage of His kindness though. I was in the grocery store this week and I picked up a bag of sugar. Whoa!…
Mornings In my Mind
Mornings In My Mind At 5 a.m. the room is still dark. The birds haven’t started their morning chorus yet. My husband is snoring gently and cozy warm. My eyes are barely open to check the time. Then the band in my head begins to play. It’s as loud as half-time at a football game….
Wine Whine Wine
There are so many quizzes now on Facebook: “What kind of animal are you? What kind of animated character are you? How bitchy are you?” So many choices! I don’t take those tests. I don’t care if I’m a lion, a tiger or a bear…oh my! I don’t care if I’m Miss Piggy or Doc…