Mornings In My Mind
At 5 a.m. the room is still dark. The birds haven’t started their morning chorus yet. My husband is snoring gently and cozy warm. My eyes are barely open to check the time. Then the band in my head begins to play. It’s as loud as half-time at a football game. And the thoughts begin:
Did I pay the cable bill?
I should sign up for diving lessons…Wait! I only doggie paddle…sign up for swim lessons first.
The dog needs ear medication.
I think I like Hershey’s chocolate better than the chocolate bars from Switzerland.
Call dentist for appointment? Wait! I dreamt that last night… never mind.
My friend lost her mom last week. That was the saddest time of my life. Say some prayers for her.
I knew I should have made dinners yesterday. Now I have to cook tonight!
Don’t turn on the TV. I’m afraid to see what happened while we slept.
Where did I leave those earrings I love?
Why were they letting that toddler walk around on a sailboat zooming through the ocean without a life jacket? Never mind…..just another dream. Whew! That’s one less thing to worry about today.
My stomach feels pouchy this morning. I wonder if today is the day I decide to lose weight? Ponder this for a while.
Decide to fetch a pumpkin muffin with mini chocolate chips. They have pumpkin in them and that’s fiber. Wonder how much fiber per muffin.
Need more coffee and we’re low on sugar. Make mental note….Seriously, Anne? A mental note in my head is a waste. I might as well put it in a bottle and throw it in the Gulf of Mexico.
Try to remember to write it down on notepad. Where is notepad? Who took the pen? It
just gripes my chicken when I can’t find a damn pen. The dog chews them up so I’ll give him a treat to drop them. Check dog’s bed for pens.
Dogs need new dog beds. Murphy’s is covered in blue ink.
Maybe I should go back to bed for an hour.
I could do laundry. I could deep condition my hair. I could just get more coffee.
Checked my belly. It’s still pouchy. So much for pumpkin fiber muffin.
When did I put oil in my car last?
Toys R Us is having a sale. Grandkids love toys!! Take a walk down memory lane when our kids were little and cut out all the pictures of toys they wanted from sales in Sunday paper. Great prices, but we had no idea which stores had them on sale. Hundreds of little squares of toy pictures floating around the house. Dry a tear and sniffle.
My allergies are making my eyes itch. Is pollen high right now?
We need new toothbrushes.
I need to have a book signing event, but where?
Maybe I should go back on my hormones…..No Anne, we already decided that.
Who is that voice that tells me those things? The voice of reason? “Hahaha!” She’s having a chuckle-fest in my head right now! So not funny.
Well, it’s time to hit the shower and exfoliate once again.
I really need a pedicure.
Good Morning Everyone!
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