I hate sneezing! It’s loud and messy, and there are always more than one following the first.
Yesterday I sneezed with a mouthful of oatmeal. Guess how that went! I take allergy medicine
daily, but last week I forgot to pick up more at the store. I was sneezing and sniffle-free for three
whole days. Then yesterday, all hell broke loose. I used an entire box of tissues and moved on to
half a roll of paper towels. Select a size, of course. I doubled my flowing like a river nose
catcher that way. My eyes swelled up. I looked like I’d just binge-watched Beaches, Terms
of Endearment, and the This Is Us finale.
I tried nose spray which just made the inside of my nostril sting and tingle. It felt like a feather flew
up my nose. Just like my fancy, eleven-dollar yellow boa I bought for the Elton John concert
kept shedding, so did the feather feel.
I attempted to drive to the store, but the sneeze, sneeze, sneeze wait, here comes another one,
while at the wheel made it impossible. I even emptied the paper towel roll and had to turn back.
Finally, my husband called, and he offered to get my allergy pills. I’ve decided
I’m keeping him for forty more years. I’d keep him longer if I could.
Once I had the meds in my hands, I broke the box open like I needed a fix. An hour later the
sneezing calmed down and my nostrils fell asleep from exhaustion.
That’s when I realized that this is my relationship with God some days. Most days I am spiritual,
connected, and happy. On other days my mind twists up like a corkscrew. No, I’m not drinking.
Okay, let’s pretend it’s a Curly Cheeto. I spin, get overwhelmed and before I know it, my mind
is in a frenzy. I’m out of control. When I attempt to calm the crazy beast, I make a list of things
my mind is spewing at me. Usually, there are only three things on that list. So why does it feel
like three hundred?
I know the answer. Just like the allergy meds, I thought I could handle a few days off. I was good.
I’d jumped out of God’s pocket and gone on the road all by myself. When will I learn?
I’ve recently started saying the rosary. My husband has been touting the calmness he receives
when he prays it. I was much too busy. Remember my three-hundred thing list? How could
I possibly fit in twenty minutes to pray?
Well, I found the time. I am shocked at the effect this has on me. I added in a daily reading from
my Jesus Is Calling book. I think God is peeking in my window! These readings are spot on
most days. How could he have known I needed more clarity that day?
I’m still sneezing a little. My nose is running like a creek, instead of a river this morning, but
I’m on my way to feeling better. Took my allergy pill, read my daily reading and now it’s
time for my rosary.
I’ll be good as new in no time. God told me so!
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