Sometimes I have dreams about people who have died. I am so happy when I get a visit from them. I usually know the people, but this time was different. I only knew of Stephanie. She passed away at the age of sixteen, before I got to meet her. Her mom and I became friends after she died.
Regina’s son Matthew, has two little girls who also never met their Aunt Stephanie. I always thought, that she’d be the kind of aunt who paints fingernails, makes big sand castles, and teaches them to play her sport, basketball. She’d have sleepovers with the girls and they would adore each other. I felt so sad that the girls would never spend time with her.
In my dream, Stephanie’s mom, Regina, was sitting in her living room in an oversized chair. It was the chair that she’d bought for Stephanie when she was sick.
She was chatting with another woman. I could see her daughter, Stephanie, hugging her from behind the chair. She was leaning in with both of her arms around her. Her long brown hair rested on her mom’s shoulder.They were cheek to cheek and she just stayed there hugging her mom. She kissed her cheek and said, “I know.” Just those two words and she continued to hug her close.
When I knocked on the door, Regina and her son, Matt, were finishing decorating for a party. When I knocked on the door, I was welcomed and sat on the couch. I was immediately checked out by the older of the two girls. She looked to be about three or four. I smiled and introduced myself, “Hi there. My name is Anne, but my grand kids call me Gigi. You can call me either one.” She grinned and asked, “Want to come see my room, Gigi?”
“Of course,” I told her, feeling honored to see her room at our first meeting. She took me by the hand and led me up a few stairs to her room. I was very aware of her small hand in mine. She sat on the bed with her yellow flowered sundress spread out over her knees. She grinned and whispered, “Can you see her?” Her eyebrows raised, making her blue eyes shine against her red hair.
“See who?” I asked curiously.
“My Aunt, Stephanie,” she replied, as she plopped back on the bed.
I wanted to tell her I could, but I really couldn’t. I said, “No. You must be the only one who can see her because she loves you so much. I bet she loves you this much!” I spread my arms out really far.
She giggled, shaking her red hair, “No! No! Much more than that!”
I laughed at her measurement of love compared to mine.
She told me, ” Stephanie visits me and my little sister all the time. We talk about all kinds of stuff. Sometimes we cuddle. We laugh all the time. We both love her.”
Matt peeked his head in to check on us. He must have overheard our conversation about how much his sister in Heaven loves this little girl. I’m pretty sure he did because when he smiled at his daughter and winked at me, there was a tear in his eye.
When I woke up, I tried to go back to recapture the sweetness of the dream. I realized that I’d just been honored to deliver an Angel Bump to Stephanie’s mom and brother.
And I thought they’d never get to meet their Aunt Stephanie!
Apparently, Stephanie’s been watching over her nieces for a very long time.
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