I am so honored to present this book. Sixty stories from people who have experienced an angel bump from their loved ones in Heaven will touch your heart.
It took a while to choose the stories. Each one was so sweet and heart touching. Some were comical. Others made me laugh out loud. Some brought tears.
Each story is a true experience of a hello from Heaven. I hope you will enjoy Angel Bumps as much as I did gathering the stories. There are sixty-one stories from people of all different walks of life. Eleven of the stories are my own.
The title for the book, Angel Bumps, was chosen because while goose bumps and angel bumps may look the same, Angel Bumps usually appear when there is no chill in the air. They arrive when we’re thinking about someone we lost, when we hear a story that rings true, or we see something that reminds us of them. When we feel their presence, I liken it to an angel’s wing brushing you lightly.
I truly honor the people who shared their stories. Many had tears writing them. It was painful for some to re-live the memories. One in particular, had a very difficult time telling her story. When she finished, she was lighter and brighter. Just releasing the feelings she’d held onto for years, was cathartic.
And so the excitement continues. Angel Bumps is in her soft release stage. The official launch date is Sept 14th. We’re #4 on Amazon’s Hot New Releases/ Religious as of Sept 8th.
I’d encourage you to read some of the reviews posted on Amazon. The reviews alone will make you smile and touch your heart.
Testimonials include:
“Reading Angel Bumps makes you feel wrapped in angel wings. If you believe in angels (or you’ve ever needed one) this book is a beautiful must read. I’m ordering a box for Christmas and giving one to everyone I love.” Vikki Claflin/ author
“Take a deep breath and hold on to your heart because you are going on an emotion, spiritual and loving journey. You will laugh. You will cry. You will exclaim your belief in Angels.” Marie Bainbridge/ hospice nurse.
“Anne Bardsley has compiled stories that allow you to look at life from a different lens, a more hopeful one, and certainly a more peaceful one. Some may bring tears as you recall situations in your own life similar to these….all pointing to the fact we are not alone, but encircled by love.” Donna Tagliaferri, Caterer
And….Now I am proud to tell you there will be a 2nd volume of Angel Bumps, Hugs From the Heart.
Customers kept asking for more stories. Submissions are now open I’m looking for approx 1500 words. and a short bio. Send them to myangelbumps@gmail.com Don’t fret if you’re not a writer. Each story will go to an editor to be polished. I’ll return your story for approval before it goes to print.
Looking forward to it, Anne!
Looks beautiful. I love reading stories like these. I am currently reading Blessed Be Me There is a God. It’s by Stan Robinson, drstanrobinson.com is his site for the info. Visitations are amazing and happen so often and once we open up to them it will change your life.