Years ago, a friend suggested I listen to a song by Alabama, Angels Among Us. I played that song so many times, I wore out three cassettes. It was a time in my life where I thought I might need my own angel.
It was a time when too many things were popping up. We had five children so there was always something pressing. We owned a small business which was seasonal. During the winter months it was very stressful. We kept all of our employees working during those times. They were like family to us and they had families to support. I was praying like a madwoman trying to stay calm making payroll some weeks. One day I found myself sitting alone in the back of our church. I was sure God would give me some guidance. I sat in tears until an older nun patted my shoulder and asked if I was alright. I liked the nuns in our parish. I didn’t recognize this one, but she had a kind face.
When Sister Mary Robert, my first grade teacher, told us to make room on our chairs for our guardian angel, I made room. I always scooted to the left. Always. Even at that young age, I believed in angels.
It was almost forty years later, that I first heard Angels Among Us. on the radio. I cried the first time I heard the lyrics:
I believe there are angels among us
sent down to us from somewhere up above
they come to you and me in our darkest hour
to show us how to live, teach us how to give
to guide us with the light of love.
I blared the song all the way driving to the Poconos for a women’s retreat. Seven of us gathered at our house along with a therapist who led the program. One of the special moments was that we all received a massage. I’d never had one because I am too busy taking care of the world. I waited to go last. I was nervous, not knowing what to expect.
Soft piano music filled the room, candles flickered as I settled on the table and began to relax. I knew the gal giving the massage. All was well when she touched my forehead. She told me to breathe deeply and sink into the relaxation of the moment. I did just that. My shoulders released from my ears, my breathing calmed. All was peaceful until she put her hand over my heart.
Within seconds everything that I’d held in, stuffed in, came pouring out. I could not stop crying. I had a tsunami of tears. I got scared thinking I was having a nervous breakdown. I do not have time for that! I continued to tremble and cry until I closed my eyes and asked my guardian angel to come. It was the only thing I could think of at moment. I needed help.
I no sooner asked, and two angels arrived, one on each side. The one on the left was larger. I felt very comfortable with her, like I’d known her for a long, long time. Maybe she’s the one I made room for at my desk in first grade. The other one seemed smaller, like she might be in training.
The moment they arrived, my tears stopped and a calm came over me like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I was in a cocoon of heavenly love. I was safe. I had no worries or troubles. I was embraced by a spirit larger than myself. It may have been thirty seconds when they began to leave and I asked them to stay another moment. They returned to their places. My peace returned.
After that experience I couldn’t wait to tell people about meeting my angels. My husbands response was, “Anne, let’s just keep this to ourselves for a while, alright?” I guess it did sound strange. I didn’t tell anyone else for a few months, but I did give angels to anyone who I ran into who had a problem, an illness, or was going through a tough time. My intention was that they would experience the peace and love that I’d received. I gave away hundreds of angels.
There’s much more to this story that I’ll tell you later.
For now, you can be someone’s angel. Sometimes the smallest attention is all someone needs to brighten their day. You never know what troubles they are carrying. Now that I think of it, I never saw that nun who patted me in church ever again.
Listen to the song Angels Among Us and get inspired. I think you’ll be glad you did.
Chapter 2 coming soon………….the Angel Journey Continues.
Amazingly inspiring and uplifting. Thank you for sharing your amazing blessing lessons!
Butterfly Kisses🦋
Thank you so much, Kimberly. I like Blessing Lessons………Maybe I’ll use that for a book title.