For the past few nights, I’ve been making various veggie woks for dinner. It makes me feel healthy and I can take out all my frustrations chopping asparagus, green beans, carrots, onions, red peppers, broccoli and cauliflower. All those passwords I forgot…CHOP! Those thirty pounds I didn’t lose…CHOP! That budget I never kept…CHOP CHOP CHOP!!!I love my wok. I realized this morning that I love it because it’s old. It’s seasoned. It has dents and dings. It’s low maintenance. The handle is still sturdy. It’s cooked hundreds of meals over the years. To be perfectly honest, I am a wok.
I am also getting old. I have been seasoned by good and tough times in my life. I have a few dents and dings. I am very low maintenance. I don’t need glitzy things, but if you bring me mug of coffee on a chilly morning, I will love you forever. (Maybe I need to step up my maintenance status now that I said that.) I have cooked not hundreds, but thousands of meals in my lifetime. As far as a sturdy handle, I have love handles. Yes, I am a wok.
Some might suggest that my wok needs an upgrade. They always have shiny new models of different sizes on sale. No! No! No! I know you’re thinking I’ve finally lost my mind. I am attached to a piece of metal. To me, it’s become more like an old friend. It never lets me down.
Alright, you might have a point. I may have a slight attachment, but wait until I tell you about my spatulas!!
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