My youngest daughter’s family is in from Colorado and staying with us. I love having them here. No, I mean I really love having them here. My living room looks like a toy factory exploded. Walking through the living room causes screams of pain, when I step on the mini-dinosaurs sprinkled on the airplane village carpet. There are cement trucks, bulldozers, boats and trains. They blend right in.
If I step on a Tyrannosaurus Rex before I have my coffee, I scream so loud, I wake the dogs. There is a full line of Blue Angels planes ready for flight when he awakes. We also have Dusty planes from the Disney movie. Gigi lost count of which toys she bought and ended up with three of them, plus a book and plane with a projector. So, that makes four Dusty’s. I love it!
The other morning, I woke my daughter up at eight, as requested. When I opened the bedroom door, she was sound asleep. Her face was so sweet and peaceful. She looked just like that when she was a sleeping toddler. I had to go get tissues before I could wake her up. My heart was aching to go back in time and really appreciate those years.
She was the child who was always upside down, doing flips or cartwheels. She loved sparkly things. Her favorite thing was press-on nails with glitzy polish. At three, she was a fashionista. When she dressed herself there was a common color, however they could be in stripes, polka dots and animal print all in one outfit. She always wore a smile, unless she was pouting because I told her no. She dressed our kittens in Cabbage Patch outfits that matched her own.
Where did the years go? They flew by silently like a mild breeze. That breeze is still blowing gently this morning. I want to remember that these are my times right here, right now. This is the day I will want to enjoy so I don’t miss it.
Her son is sleeping in the crib nearby with the same sweet face. I bet he’s dreaming about flying those planes today. His wild blonde curls cover his head and he cuddles with his tiger. They are duplicate doses of sweetness.
Maybe this wake-up call is really mine this morning.
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