Once again, I blame Lee Ann Womack for making me daring. That darn song “I Hope You Dance” is still playing in my head and now she has made me sign up for the 2014 Erma Bombeck Writers Conference in Dayton OH. In just a few days, I will arriving along with 350 other humor writers to learn how to enrich my writing. The schedule looks like this: meet 347 funny women and 3 funny men, laugh, learn and laugh some more.There is also mention of meetings at the hotel bar to compare notes…strictly business, laughing and maybe dancing. It’s two and half days jam packed with authors, publishers, and bloggers sharing their knowledge. Phil Donahue, Erma’s neighbor in her early writing years, will be the keynote speaker.
I guess I should be a bit nervous, but I’m not. It’s pure excitement to get away with no responsibilities and just have fun. At this point in my life I’m finally taking the pen to the paper, so to speak, and doing what I love. I am so glad we have computers now because if I had to make corrections on a typewriter, that would be the end of every window in my house. I’d have thrown the darn thing right out so many times. I’d probably be in a rehab for inhaling all of that white gooey white out stuff.
Thank you Lee Ann for inspiring me to sign up for the Stand Up Comedy Boot Camp session. Yes, that was your fault too. On the last night of the convention 18 of us brave Erma-wanna-bees will take the stage and do our one woman show for five minutes. Five minutes! That’s a lifetime in front of that many people. And guess what my topic is…go ahead guess…You’ll never get it. It’s about a billboard I saw advertising “Cosmetic Gynecology”. Go ahead and wrap your legs up like a pretzel twist. That’s what i did when I saw it.
I’ll keep you posted. For now I am counting my blessings and looking forward to every minute of the conference.
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