- You might have guessed that I stay tuned for signs all the time. I’ll ask if I should just forget about writing and three people will call to comment on a story I wrote.
I’ll ask if I’d be better off chasing real dollars in a 9-5 job and the Sleep Fairy arrives at 2 P.M for my nap.
I’ll ask if Oprah or Ellen are ever going to call me and four friends call instead. I am blessed in many ways.
When I ask for direction the answers usually come slower. It’s like God sends me bread crumbs to follow (as Jeanie Brosius King calls them). If I follow the crumbs, I get answers. I think God might just like to make me exert myself.
Last week, I did exert myself. I had an interview with Suzanne Giesemann about signs from Heaven. She believes our loved ones are just beyond the veil. The veil is actually our skin. Our loved ones are near in spirit always. We discussed Angel Bumps and then she mentioned she would be in St Pete the following weekend. I bought a ticket for her event.
The title of the event was Find Your Magnificence. I was intrigued. I believe we all have God’s light inside us, but sometimes we need to brush off the dust to let it really shine.
As I prepared to get dressed for the event, I noticed my nails needed serious attention. I chose a blue/green polish and painted on two coats. I even added an extra clear shine.
When I arrived at the event, I chose a seat in the third row on the aisle. I spread out my fingers complimenting myself on a no smudge job. Suzanne came on stage and the applause began. She’s a retired navy commander, medium build, short brown hair and very likeable. She’s a highly respected medium and the author of several books. Messages of Hope is the one I purchased.
When she spoke about our Magnificence, I felt a stirring in my soul. “I can shine like that?” I wondered. According to Suzanne, it comes naturally to us. God gave us each a very bright light to shine. I must admit I quickly put two more bread crumbs in my pocket to follow down this path. Now I was really curious.
We don’t do anyone any good by dulling our light. “Who would want to walk with all that magnificence of light inside and cover it up? Why would anyone do that?” I asked myself. The answer came quickly, “You do it, Anne.”
Well I admit I’ve been searching for some answers, but isn’t everyone? I light- filled, I think. The voice in my head disagreed. “You are probably a 40-watt bulb.” I was shocked. “Forty? Are you insane I’m at least a 3 -way bulb with 40-75-100 on my good days!”
Suzanne broke up my internal conversation speaking more about the magnificence inside each of us. “There is no reason to search for it. You already have what you are searching for. Tap into it.”
I pondered her suggestion to feel it. As I inhaled, I pulled in the magnificence. I exhaled the old thoughts. I started to feel a powerful feeling in my chest. It was delightful to be filled with the light.
We had a ten-minute break to stretch. I leaned to reach my purse and that’s when I noticed it. My perfectly painted thumb had something on it. Upon further investigation, I realized I had a heart shaped cut-out on my nail. It was perfect when I sat down. I hadn’t moved since I complimented myself on a great paint job. Yet, here it was staring back at me.
I’m beginning to think I may have followed the right bread crumbs. My wattage is rising.
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