About three weeks ago, I got a message from the Holy Spirit. There was a child I would meet and she needed a special message. I’d know this child when I saw her. I’d volunteered to serve at Pinellas Hope homeless shelter so I presumed the girl would be there. As luck would have it,…
Chatting With the Holy Spirit
Just about six months ago my church women’s group began planning our fall retreat. We sat in a big circle and each prayed for guidance to assume a role. This part is always interesting. Women sign up for roles they never thought they’d take. They are always shocked when they speak up and Bam! The…
My Spiritual Guides
Occasionally, I get a hankering for a spiritual message. I’ve heard meditation might open the channels of my mind to provide such an answer. To date, the messages I’ve received have been centered around the weekly flyer from the grocery store. I will say that it’s the calmest I’ve ever felt, making a mental grocery…
When Women Gather
I recently attended my second BNOW, Beautiful Network of Women, retreat in Texas. We came from all different walks of life, shapes and sizes, young and older. We had a therapist, a DJ, astronomer, musician, radio show host, nutritionist, herbal supplement expert, an interpreter for the deaf, a goddess instructor, writers, ministers and even a…
An Unexpected Sign
You might have guessed that I stay tuned for signs all the time. I’ll ask if I should just forget about writing and three people will call to comment on a story I wrote. I’ll ask if I’d be better off chasing real dollars in a 9-5 job and the Sleep Fairy arrives at 2…