Occasionally, I get a hankering for a spiritual message. I’ve heard meditation might open the channels of my mind to provide such an answer.
To date, the messages I’ve received have been centered around the weekly flyer from the grocery store. I will say that it’s the calmest I’ve ever felt, making a mental grocery list. Although I can’t remember it, I am extremely calm shuffling down the frozen food aisle in my mind.
I have friends who meditate regularly. I am in awe of their inner peace. The only peace I found was a “piece” of carrot cake in the bakery section.
In my mind, that was a pretty Zen choice. I could have chosen the double
chocolate delight. Maye I’m channeling more than I realize.
Six months ago, I committed to getting quiet and communicating with
my guides. I even named them Ben and Jerry. They would be my links to the Heavens and communicate in a professional spiritual manner. I
was excited, to say the least.
I imagined they’d have voices as soft as cotton candy. I hoped one of
them looked like Sam Elliott.
I took a few cleansing breaths. I had to stop and spit out my gum before
resuming my slow exhale breath. It was perfectly timed. Always longer
breaths out than in. It was very soothing. If my stomach hadn’t growled
so loudly, I would have dozed off.
I quietly whispered, “Might there be a message for me, Ben?”
Ben replied, “An ice cream cone with caramel swirl would be a great
idea for you. It would also be an excellent choice to prevent
osteoporosis.” I was stunned that I had reached my spirit guides so
Next, I did another deep breath and asked, “Jerry, what do you have for
me today?”
He was slow to answer. I thought he might be communicating with the
big guys in Heaven. After five minutes, I asked again, “Jerry, are you
with me? I’m waiting for more spirit info.”
He made an odd growling noise. Seriously, do I have a grouchy spirit
guide? They’re supposed to be all peace and harmony. Now I was
“Yo! Jerry, “I don’t have all day here. I need to get an ice cream cone
for my osteoporosis. Talk to me.”
When he finally mumbled words of clarity, it sounded like he said,
“Chardonnay and cheese.” I giggled.
“Jerry, are you drinking?” I asked. He assured me he was
not. He quickly apologized and covered his tracks. “What I meant to
say was Chardonnay and cheddar.”
Translation in the spirit dictionary is: Before I have the preventative ice
cream cone, I should have a glass of chardonnay and cheddar cheese,
with crackers. And why not add a few seedless grapes? I may have
added that last part.
I think I’m going to find meditation to be very insightful. I’ll have strong
bones, an open mind, and chubby legs. Hey, it’s what my spirit guides,
Ben and Jerry, suggested, and they are connected to a higher source.
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