I was celebrating my birthday morning in Passa-Grille, our favorite beach spot. The water was calm. The Paradise Grille was serving breakfast. I inhaled the aromas of bacon and french toast as I sipped my mimosa. If it’s my birthday, there is always a mimosa. I leaned back in my chair and tried to imagine me being this old.
I thought about turning sixty-seven and how blessed I was to reach this age. I took a mental stroll down Memory Lane and thought about how my parents must have felt bringing me home from the hospital when I was born. The nostalgia must be due to my new granddaughter. I imagined my Mom and Dad asking, “Now what do we do?”
Geese, I was just getting home from being born and bam! I’m sixty-seven already!
The guitar player began his first set of songs with Kenny Chesney’s No Shoes No Shirt No Problem. This was the song I taught my eighty-four year old father-in-law to sing to surprise my husband. It’s his sign from Heaven, his Angel Bump. I smiled and felt a few tears. “Thanks, Pop!” He remembered my birthday.
The next Angel Bump came from Scott’s mom. He was driving to buy me a cake when, I’ll Be Watching You came on the radio. “My Mother said, ‘Happy Birthday!’” he reported when he got home, strawberry shortcake in hand. This is just like my mother-in-law. I got a ‘round about birthday wish. Still, I thanked her.
I hadn’t heard from my parents yet. This was not like them. The next day I was sitting in the lobby of The Fountains Retirement Home listening to a piano player. The lady I watch for a few hours a day enjoys the music and she’s met a few friends, so we all go to hear the music. I wasn’t even thinking about my mom sending me a sign when his first song played Edelweiss. That’s the song my mom sang to every baby as she waltzed them around in her kitchen. The entire filled lobby joined in to sing the song. How sweet! I had tears running down my face.
My dad still hadn’t checked in. The following day, I walked down my driveway and bird buzzed me so close I could feel his wing. He sat on the wire and chirped, chirped, chirped, cocking his head at me. My dad’s sign has always been a single bird. His story and all of the stories mentioned are in Angel Bumps, Hello From Heaven.
Not only did I have several parties with family and friends her on earth, Heaven chimed in too.
I am so blessed!
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