On my Anzworld page, you will notice a pile of laundry. That would be my husband’s clothes. I am not allowed to wash them. I am permitted to sort them tough. Yeah, because that would make my day brighter! Years ago, I turned all of his underwear pink and that ended my wash-woman duty. It was a genius move on my part. The main recurring issue at our house is like an old Erma Bombeck story about his missing socks. Since I am not involved with his laundry, I suggested that he do just a load of socks. (Please don’t be jealous of my creative mind. It took years to evolve). “Anne, have you seen my socks? I bought eight new pairs and I can’t find a single sock,” he moaned. “Just wear one of your old pair and find the new ones later,” I suggested calmly. “Well, I can’t find them either,” This man is going to make me crazy!!
Since we live in Florida, I told him to just wear flip flops. I’m sick of hearing about these damn missing socks. That’s when the brilliant idea came. Tattoo Socks! I called the tattoo shop and asked Gino if he’d ever done a tattoo of socks on feet before. He asked me to repeat the question. “Gino, my husband hasn’t been able to find his socks for years. Can you tattoo some on his feet?” The line went quiet.
“Gino, can you hear me?” I yelled. It seems he’d never had that request before. He had no idea what to charge. “What if your husband doesn’t want to wear black or white socks for the rest of his life? Think about it, lady. He’ be wearing black tattoo socks with flip flops or bare feet. He would look ridiculous.” He made a good point. “Gino,” I persisted, “Do you know what it’s like to live with a man who can never find a damn pair of socks. He’s spent hundreds of dollars on new pairs and still can’t find them The man is impossible!” I bellowed. “I’m ready to admit myself to the mental ward.”
I sadly gave up on my genius idea. I asked, ‘Gino, how do you keep track of your socks?” He replied with a chuckle, “My wife is out buying a case of low cut white socks for me right now. She was talking about a mental ward too. Maybe you two should get together.
I still think I could market my Tattoo Sock idea. I think I’ll ask Gino’s wife if she wants to be partners.
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