I had money to spend, so naturally I couldn’t find a single piece of clothing that I liked. I’d rummaged through the sales racks, full price section and even the petite section. I am not petite, but I had that money to spend. I was desperate. I huffed and puffed to myself that not a damn thing looked good. I was in major pity party mode. That’s when I spotted it.
I saw a woman my age holding it up to her chest. It was stunning! A pale blue tunic top that had diamond designs and a slightly ragged collar. I could dress it up or wear it with a pair of white slacks. It was perfect for a causal night out or a walk on the beach. It was the find of a lifetime!
In my mind I imagined myself walking on the beach, splashing in the water and my hair blowing in the wind. My blue diamond tunic would actually be loose, because in my imagination I am in my thirty body. I rushed over and said to the other woman, “I really like that.” She agreed. “You know, that would have looked great on me thirty years ago,” I told her. We laughed. That’s when it dawned on me. I’m not thirty anymore so the chances of my younger Anne wearing this beautiful tunic were long gone.
Then I noticed the huge, yellow, Junior Department sign. I gasped. I am a double junior now. Actually, I could be a triple junior. Oh this was so depressing. Just when I found the top that was going to change my life, it had to be in the Junior Department.
The other woman put the tunic back. I braved it out and said, “You know, when we’re ninety we could be standing here and I’d tell you that shirt would have looked great on me when I was sixty.” She laughed. I was serious. “No, really, if we don’t buy it now we’ll never wear it this good. This is our moment in time. We don’t get any better than this. We should both buy it and we’ll meet back her in thirty years and wear our tunics.” She stared at me. She was probably wondering if I missed my medication that morning. “This is a good as we’ll get?” she whispered. “Yes!” I said delighted that she was getting my message. She was sniffling when she left me standing there. I didn’t mean to depress her.
I bought the beautiful blue tunic. I’ll go back when I’m ninety and stare at myself in the mirror. I know what I’ll say, “That tunic looked fabulous on you when you were sixty.”
Go shopping today, everyone!
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