Every so often I find myself in situations that I could not set up if I tried. I joke that Angel Bumps, Hello From Heaven has wings of its own. Some days I get to be part of someone’s message from Heaven. This was one of those times.
I was running late for the 4:00 mass at St John Vianney’s Church. I usually go in a side door and sit in a smaller section of the church. For some reason this Saturday, I sat in the 4th to the last row in the main section. It was rather odd that the last few pews sat only a few people. This was a good thing for me. I could sing loud and no one would turn to see who that man was with the husky alto voice.
Father gave a great sermon about Sunday being a family and rest day. “Turn off your devices and talk to each other. Go visit your family and friends. Spend some time with God along the way.”
The Offertory hymn was announced. Hymn 456 in The Breaking Bread book, You Are Mine. The organ began softly as the congregation began to sing:
Do Not Be afraid I am with you * I have called you each by name * Come and follow me * I will bring you home *
I love you and you are mine.*
I was singing along when I felt a tap on my shoulder. The dark haired woman behind me had scooched all the way over in her pew to ask me which number that hymn was. “456,” I told her and smiled.
She scooched back to the end of her pew. After mass she arrived once more. “What was that number again?” she inquired. She had tears in her eyes. “It was my mom’s favorite hymn and I felt like she was with me just now.”
That’s why I sat in the back of the church! I smiled and told her she’d just received an Angel Bump from her mom. She is still with her. She smiled so big as a tear ran down her cheek.
I just love when I get to help people realize their Angel Bumps, Hello From Heaven.
Thank you for sharing this with us. Please consider writing your Paw Prints from Heaven I’ll help you with gathering stories.
God moments like this happen so often to so many, but few of us have the talent to capture them in words. The world needs to hear your angel bumps. 📝