Complete darkness filled the bunk house at the Beautiful
Network of Woman’s retreat in Texas. The only sound was
the breathing of eight other women tucked in nearby
bunks. I lie in the darkness wondering where the bathroom
was. Without turning on a light, I was stuck in the darkness.
My lower bunk was near a window. That’s when I noticed the star.
There was a single star in the dark sky. It called to me. I stared at it wondering why I was mesmerized by
it’s brightness at this early hour.
The star shone brightly in the sky. It was one of those moments when I‘d sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
to my grandchildren, if they were with me. When I tilted my head on my pillow, just an inch in the other
direction, the star came alive. It got larger and sparked back at me. It sizzled in the sky with a luminous
light. I stayed under my covers playing with the star. To the left it sparkled. To the right, it was just a star.
For half an hour I was amused by this star behind the blinds.
I wondered what message I was supposed to receive from this new fascination.
I realized that the star was a lot like me. When I’m going about my way in life, there’s a star brightness.
Some days it’s more of dull shine, but we all have that sparkle within us. It’s up to us to release it to
When I’m connected with God, He sparkles through me naturally. The luminous light that sizzles
presents all on its own. It’s not my doing, trust me. The closest I come to that type of shining heat is a
hot flash.
We all have this light within us if we open the channels and let it flow. You’ll know when you have it.
You will feel the Divine Presence and know you are blessed to carry it through your day.
People will be drawn to you. Strangers will feel comfortable chatting with you…and you with them.
You will feel like God is holding your hand and the two of you are skipping down the street, laughing
and singing a song.
There are no troubles when you hold His hand.
Next chance you get, look for your star behind the blinds. It’s there just waiting to remind you
how to shine.
Judy Romano says
Thank you for sharing the awesome gifts God has given you. Next star I gaze at will no doubt lead me to skipping and walking with God.